Firewise Info & Fire Season Resources
Shasta Forest Village is a Certified Firewise USA® Community!
Here's our new Firewise Community Team for SFV
SFV Firewise Lead- Tony Hinchliffe
Committee Project Manager- Kelly Timmons
Committee Communications- Susan Hoobler
Committee Grants and Funding- Chris Doherty
Always use your best judgement when considering whether you should evacuate during a wildfire event.
Shasta Forest Village Firewise Team Email: sfvfirewise@gmail.com
Please review all resource links on this page BEFORE reaching out directly, most answers to your questions are here at your fingertips!
Shasta County Fire Safe Council: https://www.shastafiresafe.org/contact-us Phone: (530) 360-0120
→ Sign-up for Shasta County CODE RED Alerts
→To be included the SFV Telephone Notification System, be sure your phone number is on file with the SFV Water Company or you will not receive the alert. This system is activated by the Office Manager, alerting and informing the current board members, watermaster, local emergency personnel and shareholders in the event of an informational emergency and/or disaster situation.
What is a Firewise Community?
The Firewise USA™ program teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to work together and take action now to prevent damage and losses. Participation in the program can be attained by any community and/or neighborhood committed to reducing risks from wildland fire. NFPA - Firewise USA®
This is an Annual Re-Certification, PLEASE use the FORM below to submit your time and/or
costs incurred for maintaining your defensible space , deadline is Nov 1st!
What is Home Hardening?
Risk assessment addresses this as: A house burns because of its interrelationship with everything in its surrounding home ignition zone (HIZ)—the house and its immediate surroundings. To avoid a home ignition, a homeowner must prepare their home to withstand ember attacks and minimize the likelihood of flames or surface fire touching the home or any attachments. This can be accomplished using hardscaping and landscaping techniques that create breaks in the vegetation in the HIZ, helping to influence and decrease fire behavior. Maintenance activities such as removing dead vegetation from the area immediately around the structure, reducing the amount of vegetation on the ground, and pruning trees are simple and easy steps that will affect the intensity of the wildfire within the HIZ. Prepare your home: NFPA - Preparing homes for wildfire
Shingletown Emergency
Radio Network (SER Net)
Our own LOCAL Emergency Communication system developed by one of our own Villagers, Nathan Zeliff. This system is designed to get vital, lifesaving information to our neighborhood should there be a local wildland fire threat. As fast as these fires have been spreading over the last two or more years, we simply should not rely on solely emergency personnel to advise us to evacuate. This program is operated by US LOCALS and WILL help prevent loss of life. Call Nathan at 474-3267 for more details and to join the SER Net.
Alert FM Device​
We have our own FM Alert certified programmer within the Village if you need your device programmed
contact Nathan Zeliff at 530-474-3267
If you need one, please go to the Shasta County Sheriff Office website and either complete the application or call for more information:
Misc. Documents