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The History of Shasta Forest Village

Located off of CA State Highway 44, just 1.5 miles west of downtown Shingletown, and 26 miles east of I-5, Shasta Forest Village sits at 3120-3370 feet above sea-level. 


Shasta Forest Village was developed by Frank and Darlene Nichols (Nichols Development, Inc.) as a retirement and summer home community and consists of 452 parcels.  The first tract, Tract A (Bambi Drive), was opened in February 1970.  By 1972, Tracts A, B and C were sold out.  Tract D was 3/4 sold and E, which started in the Fall of 1972 was almost sold out.  Shasta Forest Village now consists of eight tracts, with the last, Tract H which includes the end of Shasta Forest Drive and Hummingbird Lane, which was completed the summer of 1976.  (Incidentally, the Nichols’ children named most of the streets.)

  • Shasta Forest Drive

  • Bambi Drive

  • Thumper Drive

  • Clarabelle Lane

  • Chip-N-Dale Drive

  • Snowbird Lane

  • Dogwood Drive

  • Sleepy Hollow Drive

  • Sleepy Lane

  • Tinkerbell Lane

  • Figaro Drive

  • Hummingbird Lane


Upon the establishment and development of the Shasta Forest Village, securing a trusted water source was the first priority.  Three wells were drilled to supply the Village and are located on Bambi and Dogwood Drive, with depths ranging from 158 to 285 feet.

Two years after the completion of the last tract, on December 14, 1978, the POA was officially incorporated as Shasta Forest Village Property Owners Corporation.  


Over the next twenty years, the Shasta Forest Village Mutual Water Board and the SFV POA Board worked closely together, unintentionally appearing as one entity.  Subsequently, on the advice of counsel, the two Boards established an arms-length relationship and are now clearly seen as separate entities, maintaining their legal rights and obligatory roles.



P.O. Box 51
Shingletown, CA 96088


©2022 Shasta Forest Village Property Owners Association. All rights reserved.

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