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Shasta Forest Village
Property Owners Association

What is the SFV POA?


The Shasta Forest Village Property Owners Association is a group of property owners from Shasta Forest Village dedicated to making the Village a safe and enjoyable place for its residents to live.


Membership in the Association is highly encouraged, and the support and participation of all those interested in helping achieve our goals is greatly appreciated!


Dues for the POA are $12 per year.  Renters are encouraged to join as well, as non-owner participants.


Click here for the → Membership Application and Dues Form


Here are some highlights of what we do:

  • Maintain and replace the entrance and street signs as needed.  (The County would replace the street signs but only with the standard green & white metal-style, not our theme-signs.  The County does not tend to the entrance signs.)

  • Install and maintain signs to remind drivers to slow down & watch for children.

  • Provide residents with information on ways to resolve problems with their neighbors or information about who to contact to make official complaints (Animal Control, Property infringement issues, Health & Safety issues, etc.).

  • Communicate with the County Road Department to encourage to maintain the Village streets in a timely manner.

  • Ensure that PG&E power lines and Frontier phone lines are kept underground in the Village.

  • Promote property management to reduce fire danger: disseminating Firewise clean up strategies and protocols.

  • Promote increased communication during emergencies by supporting & encouraging a community-wide, radio-based alert & information system.

  • Sponsor Christmas decorating contests (amongst paid members) and other seasonal community activities.

  • Encourage the use of’s Shasta Forest Village site to share information, get help, report lost or found pets, connect, etc.

  • Schedule and advertise an annual Village Yard Sale-day.

  • Assist the Water Company with the Annual Picnic and keep residents informed by newsletter.

  • Help support and maintain treasury records for the Firewise Program.

  • Develop and maintain the SFV POA website.


P.O. Box 51
Shingletown, CA 96088


©2022 Shasta Forest Village Property Owners Association. All rights reserved.

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